Birthday Bouquet Teacup

Birthday Bouquet DSP Teacup

I have really been enjoying using the Birthday Bouquet Designer Series Paper. It is so pretty and the designs make it so versatile, but my favourite project with it so far has been to create this pretty teacup. There are so many uses for this, a decoration for a party or wedding, a favour holder or fill with sweets to make a cute gift for Mothers Day.

Birthday Bouquet Teacup with sweets

The first thing I did was download the teacup template from Red Ted Arts. You will need to sign up for their newsletter to get the template, but I feel that it is worth it. Click on the link to go to their blog post;

Birthday Bouquet Teacup construction

There is a video on their blog which shows you how to construct the teacup, I used Tear & Tape Adhesive and Tombow Multipurpose Liquid Glue to construct mine. If you are going to use card though, I would recommend using a glue gun as per the tutorial.

These would look so pretty as decorations or party favours. Links to the materials that I used are below;